Easiest way to learn German and Spanish?

Easiest way to learn German and Spanish?

I got a question yesterday:

What is the easiest but still, fastest way to learn German and Spanish?

I am going to Germany in 3 years with a friend and know only a little German.

Should I continue learning the language or wait a couple years and just go the Germany?

I think you should continue learning the language.

Three years is a long time – what you could learn in that amount of time would really help with getting around the country and maybe even having conversations…

I am always in favor of a book and “physically touchable content”, I think it is better to learn that way than online.

I’m not saying it’s impossible but, I think it’s much better to learn from a book (old style). 

When I started studying the first thing I did before coming, I ordered 2 books to learn German.

Since I live States, Girdwood, Alaska to be precise, I ordered and it arrived very quickly.

I had a problem finding the nearest post but with the help of https://postofficenear.com/ak/girdwood I succeeded 🙂

Even after three years of study there will still be a lot you can learn and improve on such as your accent.

Even though many Germans speak English, most (I’ve heard) will be appreciative of your attempts to learn their language.


Living there will make the biggest difference – if you make sure to go and involve yourself with locals.

My family hosted an exchange student thirteen years ago and when he came to the US he knew very little English (like “yes” and “no”).

But he was very social and became involved a lot at school and after a year the advancements he made were amazing!

Maybe familiarize yourself with the common vocab and grammar, in the least.

I also want to learn Spanish fast.

Maybe browsing German sites can do.

In truth, it has been months since I started studying German, and there’s no progress at all.

Anyway, I really think you should continue learning the German language.

Rocket Spanish Review – Rocket Spanish Review Ratings

Features Fundamentals Ease of Use Teaching Tools Word Tools Help/Support Price Vs. Course Material


I was recently asked by a student to give a critical Rocket Spanish Review.

Aside from learning the German and Spanish language through immersion one could also learn Spanish from home.

After searching around a bit online I concluded that it is one of the main Spanish products pushed on the internet.

However 9 out of 10 reviews on it seem to be solely made in order to sell the product, I even doubt that the reviews are made by actual former Spanish students.

Leaving all the eccentric ads that can be found online about Rocket Spanish aside, below is my objective review on learning Spanish by using the Rocket Software,

Firstly some critiques:

The “promotional offer” (100$, instead of $300?) always stands.

So don’t worry about hurrying up and buying the project right away.

The whole flash card games etc. offered by Rocket Spanish are not really that sophisticated. Still I admit its a nice tool.

If you are already pretty advanced in Spanish, Rocket Spanish wont leap you forward in great steps.

It seems to be focused more on the beginning Spanish learner.

Now for the plus points:

  • – The free online Spanish course that they are offering actually gives a good insight on beginners Spanish and I certainly can recommend it.
  • – They have a 90 day return policy and after my mystery purchase for this review I can confirm that the policy is enforced without any problems.
  • – The recordings are crystal clear
  • – The conversations are based on realistic settings (unlike the Rosetta stone course for example)
  • – Part 1 of Rocket Spanish is great for beginning Spanish learners

I am passionate about people learning the Spanish Language and I hope that by discussing different options more will start learning the Spanish language.

I hope that my Rocket Spanish review was helpful for you.

You will be surprised how awarding it is once you have mastered the Spanish Language.

Now let’s go back to German…

How long will it take to learn German?

I’m a grad student in history and decided to start learning the German language on my own.

How long will it take (educated guess), and how much time should I dedicate a week, to learn the language fluently?

What kind of study tips and resources would you recommend (audiotapes, books, etc.).

This question is for everyone, but especially for those who have learned German.

I think that it depends on your definition of “fluently”.

In fact, a person will never know everything about a certain language, not even about his own mother tongue – you never stop learning (e.g. not even Goethe knew all the words of the German language).

But I think you can get to a level that would permit you to communicate with others in just a few weeks – if you practice a lot.

Which means, not just learning, but also applying what you have learned by trying to communicate with others.

Some study tips:

The most important seems to me practicing, hearing and reading as much as you can:

Hearing: Right from the start, I would listen to German radio stations (and television, if possible).

Of course, you won’t understand a word, but you can learn the German pronunciation by doing that.

It is very important to do that at the beginning of your studies, it prevents you from getting a strong accent.

Or you could see films/tutorials/courses online in German language, subtitled in English and then vice-versa.

If you hear a sentence in German, try to repeat it to practice the pronunciation.

Practicing: On the internet, you could practice German by using the German version of Yahoo!

Questions or by visiting German chartrooms.

As soon as you understand a simple question try to give an answer.

Or you could try to find Germans living in your town and give them lessons in German conversation in exchange for lessons in English.

Reading: You could visit the websites of German newspapers such as Bild, Deutsche Welle, Heute, etc.) or you could do some internet research on topics like history, etc.

That interest you in German, as you certainly know already a lot about these topics this will help you to understand the websites and some of them will also be available in English, so can compare what you understood with what was meant.

I hope that this will help, that you will enjoy learning German and Spanish and I wish you all the best for your studies!


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